Tag Archives: schilderijen

One colour and white

A series of canvasses with a single colour painted in transparant layers on white.
67v1, cerulean on white

67v1, cobalt on white, lightly
acrylic on canvas

43, cerulean on white

43, cerulean on white
acrylic on canvas

47, orange on white

47, orange on white
acrylic on canvas

73v1, emerald on white

73v1, emerald on white
acrylic on canvas

41, magenta on white

41, cerulean on white
acrylic on canvas

White and two colours mixed

A series of square canvassed with 23, 27, 29, 31 and 37 bars using white and two colours mixed.

59v1 cerulean and orange on white

59v1 cerulean and orange on white
acrylic on canvas

23 cerulean and yellow on white

23 cerulean and yellow on white
acrylic on canvas

23 magenta and orange on white

23 magenta and orange on white
acrylic on canvas

27 cerulean and orange on white

27 cerulean and orange on white
acrylic on canvas

31 magenta and cerulean on white

31 magenta and cerulean on white
acrylic on canvas

37, cerulean and orange on white

37, cerulean and orange on white
acrylic on canvas

29, yellow and magenta on white

29, yellow and magenta on white
acrylic on canvas

Black and white and a colour

A series of square canvasses with 17 bars using shades between black and white with a single colour overlay.
17, black white and magenta, 2015 Acrylic on canvas 40 x 40 cm

17, black, white and magenta
Acrylic on canvas
40 x 40 cm

17, black white and orange, 2015 Acrylic on canvas 40 x 40 cm

17, black, white and orange
Acrylic on canvas
40 x 40 cm

17, black, white and cerulean, 2015 Acrylic on canvas 40 x 40 cm

17, black, white and cerulean
Acrylic on canvas
40 x 40 cm

Yet Another Balancing Act In Primes, series 4 (2014, 2015)

Earlier this year, I have started to transfer some studies from Yet Another Balancing Act In Primes onto a larger canvas.


Yet Another Balancing Act In Primes, v19.9 2015 Acrylic on canvas 30 x 80 cm

Yet Another Balancing Act In Primes, v19.9
Acrylic on canvas
30 x 80 cm

Yet Another Balancing Act In Primes, v23.8 2014 Acrylic on canvas 30 x 80 cm

Yet Another Balancing Act In Primes, v23.8
Acrylic on canvas
30 x 80 cm

Yet Another Balancing Act In Primes, series 3 (2014, 2015)

Series 3

YABAIP 11 01

Yet Another Balancing Act In Primes, series 1 (2014)

Dit is de eerste serie van kleine panelen met variaties in wit. De panelen zijn langwerpig, horizontaal en zijn beschilderd met kolommen van gelijke grootte en gekleurd met kleine verschillen in wit en helderheid. Het aantal banen is altijd een priemgetal, de ordening is berekend uit kleinere delers.

De gebruikte kleuren zijn ontleend aan waarnemingen van delen van bewolkte luchten.


This the first series of small panels with variations in white. The panels are rectangular, horizontal and are painted with columns of identical width and small differences in white and brightness. The number of columns is always a prime number, the order is calculated from smaller dividers.

The colours and tones applied are derived from observations of parts of cloudy skies.

Zonder titel (stack), 1988/89

Untitled (stack), 1988/89

Untitled (stack) 1989 Pigment, acrylic on canvas 11x 20x35 cm, height 25 cm

Untitled (stack)
Pigment, acrylic on canvas
11x 20×35 cm, height 25 cm


Het hoogtepunt van seriële schilderijen in groen. Na eerder de series van schilderijen conventioneel, naast elkaar op een wand werden getoond, werden de delen gestapeld en gepresenteerd als object.

Culmination of serial paintings in green. After first displaying series of canvasses were presented on in a conventional way, on a wall, the pieces were stacked and presented as object.